Anxiety Series: Invisible Audience...
My Husband would invite me to go out and eat dinner, and I would say no you go order the food and we can take-out. He always thought I was embarrassed of him, until one day I told him, "I don't like going to eat because I feel like everyone is looking at me." This is honestly the lamest shit I could ever think. One day while sitting in a lecture-class, the professor spoke about the "Invisible Audience." She said that people who have severe anxiety issues usually avoid social interaction because they feel that they are constantly being judged by others. The reason behind this can vary from person, to person. One day, I started working on my anxiety over the going to dine at restaurants. I began by ordering what I wanted, and then eating my food as if I were at home, and not bothered by others. This was actually not that hard to do because I just kept thinking that nobody cared about what I was eating, or doing. As time went b...