Mexico Trip
My trip to Mexico started out with sad news...I didn't want to go at all, but I wasn't about to let my honey go by himself so he can go buck-wild with the girls over there, so there we go. We heard that Bobby's Grandpa was very sick, that he wouldn't get out of bed, so I figured this is it, he will probably pass away soon. We drove 36 hours straight until we got to the Mexican ranch called, Teocaltiche. We got there at 4 in the morning on a Sunday. Of course we didn't make it to see Bobby's Grandpa, he had passed away four hours earlier. In Mexico there is no way to keep the corpses preserved for viewing, when some one asses away , that same day or the next morning the families must hold the vigil, and then bury the deceased. The funeral was no longer than an hour and a half long, and then everyone went to pray for the soul of the bereaved. We were there a total of 14 days, but it was a very sad trip. I will add a nicer more upbeat blog about the good times la...