Disneyland 2010

People always ask us why we go to Disneyland so often. My answer always is, "Because it's a good distraction, that's why we (My Husband and I) purchased annual passes." I feel like there are literally no worries, or burdens on my shoulders when we are there, and that's enough to relieve the stress that I have accumulated throughout my week. The fantasy-like quality that the park has to offer gives me the sense that whatever I couldn't have as a child I could damn well have it now as an Adult. Believe it or not, but every time we are there at the theme park, we always, always see something new. Disney's California Adventure is another place to get away from it all. If it's a hot day we can go and play in the small water park that is inside the park, or we can cool down inside the Hyperion Theater and watch Aladdin, The Broadway Musical. It is so relaxing to watch the free shows, and walk around meeting new people from around the Country-sometimes even the world. There is an attraction at DCA which is called, "Soarin' Over California," which is actually a huge five story green screen which emulates images of California hot spots, and farms throughout the state. When you "Soar" over the farms, it actually smells like oranges, over the beach you can smell the mist of the crisp ocean. Overall I believe that the Disneyland Resorts actually use their corporal funds to invent new ways to attract people to visit again, and again. For example, this year the Resort will have a new event, "Mickey's Halloween Time" in which children and adults can partake in dressing in costume, and trick-or-treat at Disneyland. All of the characters will be there to sign autographs, and to take pictures. I am especially excited to meet and greet all of the DL villains, such as Jafar, Cruella De Ville, and so many more. Of course there was a separate charge for the event's ticket, but I can honestly say that I am so excited to attend especially since we bought the tickets for October 31st, (Halloween Night) I feel butterflies in my stomach from the elation I have knowing that my Husband, children and I can be a part of such an exclusive event. I haven't found a better way to feel relaxed, and not having to deal with any one's BS. Disneyland 2010 one of the best years of my life, by far.


  1. FUCKING AWESOME, I hope you take pictures of the "Mickey's Halloween Time".


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