Maquillajes Y Unas Postizas

There are a lot of ways I think I can express myself-Makeup, Hair, and Nails. I recently taught myself how to do my own acrylic nails, and so far I think I have done an alright job for someone that doesn't have money to get them done anyways. I say I can be choosy, just like them i tell myself they're not THAT bad. I grew up surrounded by Women that always wore high heels, even just around the house, that piled on the makeup daily. "Pa' que te quiera mas tu viejo" my Grandma used to tell me. I grew up believing that all women were like her (my Grandma), I was wrong, but I wanted to be like her. She would always wear the most boldest colored eye shadows, the most scrumptious red lipstick, and high heels that hurt you just looking at her walk. I want to be that Woman. A person that is not afraid of wearing makeup even though you're not going anywhere, wearing classic dresses with high heels, brushing my hair in an up do, wearing all the makeup I can blend together without looking like Bozo The Clown. From today on, I will be that fearless person that I always saw in my Grandma, I want to feel beautiful in my XL clothes, thick hips, large bust, and huge ass. I want to feel gorgeous again, with nothing to hold me back. I want to dye my hair the palest blond i can find, almost white if I can get it that way. Starting now I will be more Beautiful.


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